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Co Founders of TRENDS group announce the launching of Dubai office in Strategies cover

April 2024

This interview have been published on cover of Strategies, major french marketing magazine, you can find it here in original version.

After Europe and Asia, the Relations Press, Influencer Relations, Content, and Brand Strategy group founded by Sarah Sandra Taibi and Jean-Baptiste Quesnay in 2016 is opening an agency in the United Arab Emirates.

To start, could you tell us a bit about TRENDS group and how it operates?

Sarah Sandra Taibi: We are an agency specialized in the field of brand awareness marketing. Our mission is to strengthen brands’ presence and influence in the public’s mind. To achieve this, we utilize a variety of strategies and tools, including press relations, partnerships with influencers, the creation of customized content, and a strategic approach to brand building and positioning.

Recently, you’ve opened new offices in Dubai and Tokyo. Could you tell us more about that?

Jean-Baptiste Quesnay: These openings aim to strengthen our presence in key markets and better serve our clients in these rapidly growing regions. The offices in Dubai and Tokyo will also allow us to establish local partnerships and better understand the specifics of these markets.

Why did you choose these two cities?

SST: With Paris, Tokyo, and Dubai, we are present in three of the world’s most dynamic cities in terms of development and trends. We aim to bring French and European culture and draw from the positive energy of these completely different markets to create international teams that work synergistically, challenge preconceptions, and benefit our current and new clients.

What are the most important success factors when creating a campaign?

JBQ: We have already integrated Corporate Social Responsibility for several years. Now, the entire program is approached through the lens of responsible communication. We are thus fully aligned with Audencia’s values and the sustainable development challenges of our world.

What are the current main challenges in your sector?

SST: We aim to streamline the market by showing brands the impact of our campaigns, particularly through data. The speed of technological changes, the new media consumption, and the evolution of consumer behavior pose challenges. It is crucial for us to stay abreast of emerging trends and develop innovative skills and solutions to remain competitive in the market.

How do you think AI will affect and influence future campaigns?

JBQ: Before cars, there were horse-drawn carriages. AI is a tool and an accelerator. We believe that AI will have a significant impact on future campaigns by enabling more personalized outreach to journalists, more precise data analysis. This will open up new opportunities to create more effective and relevant campaigns.

How do you plan to incorporate these new methods in the future?

JBQ: We believe strongly in AI for content creation; it’s an avenue for the group’s expansion.